Introduction to Latin America

INTSTDS 2100H: Introduction to Latin America

Multidisciplinary survey of Latin American societies, anthropology, economics, history, literature, geography, and agriculture.
Prereq: Honors standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 240H. GE soc sci human, nat, and econ resources and diversity global studies course.
Credit Hours

The fundamental purpose of this  course  is  to  acquaint students with Latin America, in  particular  the  economic progress it has experienced to date as well as the prospects for future development.  To begin, the region's geography, demographic  characteristics, and  history  are  outlined. Most of the course deals with economic development. Latin America’s  experience  with state‐directed approaches to development is described, as is the recent trend toward economic liberalization.

Fulfills the GEC-R AND GE Social Science & International Issues requirement.