Imaan Ali

"I glanced at the unfamiliar, cloakclothed figure before me on the dusty ground just as the heavy skies obscured the sun's path and faded my shadow to invisibility. Soon heavy raindrops would hit the dust and disfigure the ground before me further. I had just exited the airport in Sana'a, Yemen, and I was still chasing my own shadow as the showers found it fit to welcome me. The edge of my abaya (black, long overgarment) quickly turned heavy soaking up the warm water, as I stood among an unusually helpful crowd of a few women and men, trying to explain to them in broken, inconsistent Arabic that I was looking for the driver who was supposed to take me to the Yemen College of Middle Eastern Studies. Even that early I would understand why connoisseurs of Arabic advocate for language studies in Yemen – most people there don't speak English at all. As I had found myself in a considerable time trap before leaving the States - leaving my internship in Washington, DC a few days earlier to finish the last exam of Arabic 104 at OSU before my travels – I had not thought of jotting down important phone numbers, addresses, and names et cetera, something I now silently cursed myself for. It didn't take too long, however, until a man who identified himself as my driver was located by a member of the crowd. – Imaan Ali, is that you? I was looking for you! I couldn't recognize you; I thought you were Jordanian, he said using an amalgam of poor English and simplified Arabic. I was indeed traveling with Royal Jordanian, and I was wearing very traditional clothes, probably unlike most U.S. students of Arabic there, so his confusion did make sense. The misunderstanding was soon forgotten, however. Thankful for approaching my temporary destination and hopefully getting some sleep before breaking the fast after sunset, I leaned back in the car and observed the scenes before me, attempting to take in and digest the various sights and sounds.

Best of all? I earned 26 credit hours in total this summer - without taking classes at OSU - and I was even able to fit in a one week stay in Lebanon!
The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations' ten week summer internship program consisted of a full time placement in a related organization, as well as twice-a-week evening seminars on the Middle East region, often including distinguished guest speakers, and at least one visit a week to U.S. institutions, embassies, and other relevant places. Since I was staying in the nation's capital, there were plenty of other seminars, events, and even networking opportunities, enabling me to enjoy the DC experience to the fullest. Upon questioning the arguments of a panelist during a Middle East related panel event on Capitol Hill, a congressman came to shake my hand, compliment me on my comments, and invite me to stop by his office sometime. I had few free moments during my short stay, but it was an unmatched experience, even as I had to take my spring quarter exams more than two weeks early in order to get there on time. For a student majoring in International Studies and the Middle East region it was an opportunity not to be missed. I was sure to apply for the international studies internship credit before I went, and thus earned 15 credit hours by writing a relevant research paper. This way, if one aspires to finish early, a summer in Washington will not bog one down.
Getting to know the people and the culture dispelled myths and stereotypes that even I, a Muslim woman myself, had. From arriving to Yemen barely speaking the language, I left proficient enough, on my last day, to hold a short "thank-you speech" in tiara and a massive wreath of jasmine flowers for some 300 women at a fundraising party after rather surprisingly winning a "best modest dress" (or something along those lines) competition held for the attendees, before rushing off to the airport. Thus I concluded my summer spending my prize money buying oil based sandalwood perfumes and handmade silver accessories at the Sana’ani airport, with my tiara and jasmine wreath peaking out from an already overloaded piece of hand luggage."