The President’s Salute to Undergraduate Academic Achievement recognizes a select group of undergraduates who are exemplary students, as demonstrated by their performance, curriculum and related experiences.
Alicia Anzivine

- Member of the Ohio State Division I Field Hockey Team 2007-2010; Big Ten Scholar Athlete; Academic All Big Ten Selection; Fall Academic All Conference Team; OSU Scholar Athlete; NFHCA National Academic Squad
- OSU National Buckeye Award
- Ohio State Housing All Star
- President of Baker Hall East Activities Board
- Member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars
- The Ohio State University Denman Undergraduate Research Forum Participant 2011
- Member of Pi Sigma Alpha (National Political Science Honorary Fraternity)
- Study Abroad, Oxford University in England
- Interned at The Raine Group, LLC in New York, NY (An Investment Bank Boutique)
- Research Thesis: The World Bank: A Bank or a Think Tank, or Both?
Julia Barham

- International Affairs Scholar
- Ralph D. Mershon Study Abroad Scholarship
- Study Abroad: Bulgaria, Mexico, Spain
- 2011 College of Arts and Sciences Certificate for Excellence in Scholarship
- Ohio Homeland Security, Infrastructure Protection Internship (Columbus)
- Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, State Department, D.C., Internship
- Summa Cum Laude
Isabelle Bateson-Brown
- Recipient of a $9,000 Undergraduate Honors Research Scholarship
- Recipient of the Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Scholarship 2010-2011
- Paper Presentation at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, "Re-reading Medieval Music: The Codicological Context of a Cistercian Service Book,"
- Participant in the Brazil Research Exchange with the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2010
- Accepted to the University of York in the UK for an MA in Medieval Studies starting Fall 2011.
- Thesis: “The Ohio State Witch Hunt: Rooting out the Occult Texts and Historical Witchcraft Materials in OSU’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Library”.
Jamie Colley
Minor: International Studies (Security & Intelligence)
- Software developer at McKesson, Internship
- Project Manager and Software developer at JPMorgan Chase & Co, Internship
- Teaching Assistant in the CSE Department, Internship
- OSU CSE Departmental Award (2010), Departmental Research Award (2009)
- Departmental ACM Award (2009) Certificate for Excellence in Scholarship from the College of Arts and Sciences
- President of the Association of Computing Machinery for Women
- Volunteer for Catholic Social Services, The Newman Center, Project Linus, & St. Brendan Church, Volunteer
Jaime Gusching
- National Fulbright Scholar Finalist
- U.S. State Department Critical Language Scholarship, two time winner
- Fisher College of Business PaceSetter Honoree and Scholarship recipient
- Co-chair of The Alleviating Poverty Through Entrepreneurship Summit
- Foundation for Sustainable Development participant
Gary Bearden
Minor: Economics
- Studied abroad in the summer of 2009, Summer Intensive Russian Language program in Tomsk, Russia
- OSU's Distinguished Merit Scholarship; Francille M. Firebaugh Study Abroad Scholarship; Miriam G Schwartz scholarship for outstanding student of Russian
- Internships: Spanish Media Translator, Mondokio International News, US Senator Sherrod Brown, Social Science Automation, Analyst, Infrastructure Protection, Ohio Department of Homeland Security
- Chair of the Humanities Scholars Community Service Committee, and advisor
- Teaches a course on US Citizenship Saturday mornings a the Columbus Literacy Council
- Recipient of the prestigious Fulbright ETA, starting in Fall 2011, to teach at "Immanuel Kant" Baltic Federal University in Kaliningrad, Russia
- Accepted to Georgetown University Autumn 2011
Michael Eizyk
Minors: Hebrew and English
- Scholarships include: Received a Ralph D. Mershon Study Abroad Scholarship (2010), the Melton Center's Ellen E. and Victor J. Cohn Study Abroad Scholarship (2010); Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship (2006-2011); Pressey Honors Research Grant and a Melton Center for Jewish Studies' Student Travel & Research Grant (2010)
- Inducted into Sphinx Senior Class Honorary
- Studied Hebrew, modern Israeli history, and conflict resolution for 3 months at Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2010)
- Worked as an English teacher for 6 months in South Korea through the Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK) program. (TaLK is supported by South Korea's Ministry of Education, Science & Technology; 2009)
- Volunteered as an English conversation partner in Madrid for 3 months (2008)
- Thesis Research: "Protecting the State’s Double Promise: The Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum’s Role in Promoting Liberal Democratic Values in Israel"
Blaise Katter
Minors: Spanish
- Member Ohio State Honors Program
- Byrd Scholarship recipient
- Ohio Academic Scholarship recipient
- Maximus Scholarship recipient
- College of Arts and Sciences research grant
- Cotting Award for Foreign Research
- Studied abroad in Toledo, Spain
- Thesis Research: "Spanish Democracies: A Comparison between Success (1979) and Failure (1931)."
Taylar Shermer
Minor: Spanish
- Study Abroad: ISA Program in Granada, Spain
- Distinguished Merit Scholarship, Buckeye Plus Scholarship, Pathways Scholarship
- Ohio PIRG (2008), Repower America (part of the Alliance for Climate Protection)(2010), Internship
- Vice President of the Golden Key International Honor Society (2009-2010)
- Research Thesis: “The Cause and Effect of Vietnam’s Transition into the 21st Century”
David Young
MA Chinese SP12
- Boren Scholar, National Security Education Program (NSEP): $20,000
- Mershon Center For International Security Studies, Study Abroad Scholar: $5,000
- James F. and Barbara Young Sipp, John Glenn Fellow Scholarship: $2,000, & OSU Scarlett and Gray Scholarship: $9,000
- NSCS National Society of Collegiate Scholars, September 2008
- Youth Ambassador for Peace, June 2006
- John Glenn School of Public Affairs, Glenn Scholar
- Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, Research Presenter