Herding Cyber Cats: Information Security Management

International Studies 3702
Herding Cyber Cats: Information Security Management
Holly Drake & Helen Patton
TR 5:30 PM - 6:50 PM
Room 136, Jennings Hall
Class #: 22364
This hands on course will focus on information security governance tools and processes. Students will learn the basic structures and activities used by Information Security professionals to manage information security and cyber risks which threaten us as individuals and organizations. This applied knowledge will enable students to understand the context of information security risks in the broader organizational, political and societal contexts.
Course activities will include organizational and threat analysis, creation of continuity, threat mitigation plans, analysis of industry standards and frameworks, and investigation of cyber laws and regulations.
This is a 3 Credit Hour course, lasting 14 weeks, offered in spring of each year. There are no pre-requisites for this course. There is no assigned textbook, and there will be weekly readings drawn from publicly available sources.