Journal of Politics and International Affairs Call for Submissions!

January 28, 2019

Journal of Politics and International Affairs Call for Submissions!

An image of the Journal of Politics and International Affairs Logo

The Journal of Politics & International Affairs (JPIA) is seeking qualified student submissions to be published in the Spring 2019 issue. JPIA is a student-run journal that publishes papers written by undergraduate students in the areas of Political Science, International Studies, Economics, Public Affairs, Sociology, and related fields. Publication in the Journal is an opportunity to reach a wider audience outside of the classroom as well as a learning experience through the editing and feedback process. The Journal seeks to publish high-quality papers that address current events and relevant subjects in the area of politics and international affairs. Ideal submissions are both informative and argumentative with well-developed theses and strong mechanics. The Journal typically publishes original research, theses, and essays written for upper-level courses although all majors and class ranks are invited.

Please e-mail if you have questions or would like more information regarding the Journal of Politics and International Affairs.