October 11, 2020
Democracy & Terrorism: Lessons from the "Troubles" In Northern Ireland

International Studies 4195 - SPRING 2021
DEMOCRACY & TERRORISM: Lessons from the “Troubles” in Northern Ireland
Dr. Jeffrey Lewis
TR 11:10 AM – 12:30 PM
Room 251, Campbell Hall
Class Number: 29662
This seminar style course will explore in-depth the thirty year conflict that raged within Northern Ireland that was often referred to, with characteristic understatement, as the “Troubles”.
The primary theme of the course will be the challenges that democratic societies face when dealing with terrorism. In many ways policies of the United Kingdom’s government, chosen for short term expediency and security, ended up being costly over the long run by undermining faith in the government and contributing to the legitimacy of the Provisional IRA, the primary insurgent group.
Prerequisites: none
International Studies 4195 is a topics course. Students can take this course a maximum of 3 times, as long as different topics are chosen. This class is approved for all specializations.