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College of Arts and Sciences
International Studies
African Studies
Development Studies
East Asian Studies
Globalization Studies
Human Rights
Information Security
International Conflict & Peace Studies
International Relations & Diplomacy
Latin American Studies
Middle East Studies
Security & Intelligence
Slavic & East European Studies
West European Studies
World Economy and Business
African Studies
Development Studies
East Asian Studies
Globalization Studies
Human Rights
Information Security
International Conflict & Peace Studies
International Relations & Diplomacy
Latin American Studies
Middle East Studies
Security & Intelligence
Slavic & East European Studies
West European Studies
Denman Research Forum
Hops Shortage and the Difficulties of Staying Organic
On the Conditions of the Possibility for Transcending the Capitalist Nation State in Chiapas, Mexico: A Karatanian Analysis
"The Ties that Bind" in the New World: Intergenerational Transmission of Culture in a Dual Identity Context and the "Diversit...
Intra-Communal Violence in Southwest Russia and the Government's Reaction to Extremism
The Land Grab in Africa: an Expansion of the Colonial Mentality
Comparative Nationalism: Assessing the Role of Nationalist Ideology in Independence Movements within Multinational States
Variances in the Brazilian Favela
Study of the Plight of the Smallholder Cocoa Farmer: A Case Study of Southern Regions in Ghana
Past Courses Archive
Career Counseling and Support Services
Student Testimonials
Professional Organizations
Teach Abroad
Alumni Profiles
Small World Newsletter
Small World Newsletter Archive
Small World Magazine, Autumn 2015
Janson Wins FLAS Fellowship
New Minor in Human Rights
Alexander Hamilton Society
Gonzalez Wins Rangel Fellowship
Denman Forum 2015
Searching for a Just Peace in Darfur
An Eye for an Eye
Small World Magazine, Spring 2015
South Africa: Chineze Okpalaoka
Model African Union Receives Award
Patrick Njeru interns at AFRICOM
Evan Davis Appointed Foreign Service Officer
FLAS Fellowship to St. Petersburg, Russia
OSU Atheletics Kierra Ross
Summer at the Foreign Service Institute
East, West and Center: Michael Gott
Critical Language Scholarship to China: Vyacheslav Dade
U.S. Embassy, Paris: Anna Young
Five Students Recognized by Fulbright Program
Small World Magazine, Autumn 2014
FLAS Scholarship to Study Russian: Katelyn Wright
New Faculty Publications
Sigma Iota Rho, Induction Ceremony
Alumnus Creates Games that Turn the Streets Into a Game Board
Recipient of Luce Scholarship: Jacob Bogart
Awarded Charles B. Rangel Scholarship
Awarded Prestigious Wolcott Fellowship: Peter Marzalik
Taj Mahal
Denman Research Forum 2014
Preserving Paradise
The Not‐So‐Beautiful Game
From Horses to Tour Buses
Help or Detriment?
Intergovernmental Organization Membership and Conflict Reduction
Zimbabwe Structural Violence Extermination Program
ASEAN’s Role in the Democratization of Burma
Interrogating Paradoxes of Rio de Janeiro’s Gay‐friendly City Branding and Marketing
Cultural Relevance and Political Power
Governance Structures in Mexico’s Water and Sanitation Upgrade Projects
The Appalachian Project, Ohio
Small World Magazine, Spring 2014
From Ohio to Afghanistan
Latin American Studies FLAS Fellowship
New Book by James Schnell
A Journey of a Thousand Miles
Middle East Studies FLAS Fellowship
Teaching in Haifa, Israel
Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship to Senegal
Slavic & East European FLAS Fellowship
National Italian American Foundation
Living Jerusalem
Kirk Harrington (1999)
Oghogho Igodan (2011)
Hervé Thomas (2003)
Muhamed Farah Abdulahi (2012)
Small World Magazine, Autumn 2013
Wildlife Conservation in Thailand
U.S. Department of State, Austria
It is a Small World After All: World Relief
Fulbright to Taiwan
Fulbright to Brazil
Fulbright to Jordan
Favela Housing in Brazil: The Salvador Case
Chinese Aided Special Economic Zones as a Means for North Korean Reform
Denman Forum 2013
Hops Shortage and the Difficulties of Staying Organic
Transcending the Capitalist Nation State in Chiapas, Mexico
The Ties that Bind
Intra-Communal Violence in Southwest Russia
The Land Grab in Africa
Comparative Nationalism
Variances in the Brazilian Favela
Small World Magazine, Spring 2013
Buck-I-SERV, South Africa
Foundation HopeHouse, Thailand
Haiti, Switzerland, Japan & France: My Junior Year Abroad
NCAA Champion
Benjamin A. Gilman Scholar, China
Introduction to Human Rights
Intelligence Scholarship
Seizing the Opportunity: The Security & Intelligence Club
Caitlin Zucal (2010)
Liam Birt (2011)
Sabrina Hersi-Issa (2006)
Erica Chain (2005)
Small World Magazine, Winter 2013
Cross-Cultural Solutions, Tanzania
INTERPOL, Washington D.C.
CIES, Washinton D.C.
My Virtual Tour of the South Pacific
Embassy of Cyprus, Washington D.C.
U.S. State Department, France
U.S. State Department, Washington D.C.
Middle East Studies FLAS Fellowship
Officer Candidate School
U.S State Department, Italy
Two Awarded Latin American Studies Fellowship
Gary Bearden (2011)
Eileen Kunkler (2007)
Jessica Zuckerman (2009)
Small World Magazine, Autumn 2012
Food Security in Tanzania
Emerge Poverty Free, England
Clinton Scholarship to Dubai
The (Not So Secret) Drone War in Pakistan
International Institute for Strategic Studies, Washington D.C.
FLAS Fellowship, Quechua
Who Needs a Classroom?
U.S State Department Internship, Rome
Denman Forum 2012
The Impact of Group Lending Strategies in Microfinance
Starving for Attention
How Do You Define Wellness?
Investigating a Proposed Large‐Scale Hydroelectric Dam
Devine Descent into Mundaniety
Liam Birt (2011)
Jennifer Fehr (2009)
Small World Magazine, Spring 2012
Footsteps into the Middle Kingdom
Introduction to Comparative Politics
The Business of Martyrdom
Soteni International, Kenya
OSU Athletics: Not Just Football
My Internship in the United States Embassy, Rome
My Internship with Back2Back Ministries, Mexico
Center for American Progress, D.C.
Securing an Internship with the U.S. Department of State
Sunrise Over the Charles Bridge, Czech Republic
Sarah Fries (2011)
Glenn Stanley (2008)
Small World Magazine, Winter 2012
Semester at Sea
Critical Language Scholarship to Russia
From London to Amman, Jordan
Global Gateway Trip: Brazil
From the Beltway to Berlin and Beyond
OSU Athletics: Not Just Football
Hope, Education, Love, Protect (HELP)
Navigating the Patuca River
OSU Summer Program in Russia
Kevin Rachlin (2007)
Lauren Presler (2010)
Ying Zhang (2011)
Catherine Molleno (2010)
Small World Magazine, Autumn 2011
SADO, Somalia
The Day the Earth Shook, Japan
Three Recieve CSEES FLAS Fellowships
Russian, Summer Fellowship
An [Im]perfect Path to Employment
New America Foundation, Washington D.C.
CIEE Scholarship
Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellow, 2012
2011 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum
The World Bank: A Bank or a Think Tank, or Both?
Ohio State Witch Hunt
Effects of Poland’s Entry into the European Union on Peoples' Life
From the Pit of the Ghetto to the Pinnacle of Liberalism
The Expansion of Ecotourism and its Implications for Tanzania’s Maasai
Symbolic Associations of Violence in Northern Ireland and South Africa
A Moroccon Generational Shift
Bilingual Education and Human Rights in Two Urban Indigenous Communities
Evaluation of Local Climate Variability in the Cordillera Blanca
Small World Magazine, Spring 2011
Fulbright to Russia: English Teaching Assistantship
Bureau of International Narcotics & Law Enforcement Affairs
Mexican Consulate, Miami
Office of International Affairs, OSU
Bureau of International Organization Affairs: Working to Create Human Rights Policies of the United States
Determining the Role of Internet Marketing in a Product’s Success
The World Bank: A Bank or a Think Tank, or Both?
The Expansion of Ecotourism And Its Implications for Tanzania’s Maasai
Individual Decision Making & Economic Growth in South Africa and Kenya
Protecting the State’s Double Promise
Spanish Democracies: A Comparison between Success (1979) and Failure (1931)
The Cause & Effect of Vietnam’s Whirlwind Economic Transition into the 21st Century
Reflections of a Graduating Senior: Saying Goodbye
The President’s Salute to Undergraduate Academic Achievement - 2011
Nelson Carson (2006)
Dr. Michael Gott (2002)
Small World Magazine, Winter 2011
"Chasing my Shadow", Yemen
Homeland Security, Ohio
Putting Shoes on the "Barefoot Bandit"
Strategic Analysis & Information Center (SAIC), Ohio
Dove Missions, Dominican Republic
Working in Parliament, Scotland
Central American Medical Outreach, Honduras
Samrong Children’s Orphanage, Cambodia
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, D.C.
United States Embassy, Slovenia
Women’s Rights in Africa, Kenya
United Nations University Global Seminar, Japan
Visiting Russian Scholar
Lauren Presler (2010)
Stephanie Morgan (2004)
Small World Magazine, Autumn 2010
Small World Magazine, Spring 2010
Small World Magazine, Winter 2010
Small World Magazine, Autumn 2009
Small World Magazine, Spring 2009
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