
NEW: Terror & Terrorism course online, Summer 2020!
INTSTDS 4700 - Terror and Terrorism (ONLINE)
Beginning Summer 2020 students can now complete a class towards a major or minor in Security & Intelligence completely online!

NEW: Data Analysis online Course, Summer 2020!
INTSTDS 3400 - Analysis and Display of Data
This is an all-online class. The analysis and display of data provides students with an introduction to the steps and methods involved in…

CAREERS in Cyber-Security, Feb 12th, 2020
An exciting opportunity to connect with and learn from cybersecurity professionals is happening Wednesday, February 12th @ 6p. Don’t miss Career Connections: Careers in Cybersecurity your…

Study Abroad Scholarships!
College of Arts and Sciences education abroad scholarships
Applications are still open for education abroad scholarships for undergraduate arts and sciences majors enrolled at the Columbus…

Small World Newsletter - December 2019
Download and read the December 2019 Issue File SWN DEC 19.pdf (opens in a new window)300.91 KB of Small World Newsletter!

Alum Shammas Malik wins seat on Akron City Council!
Shammas Malik update! Shammas won a seat on the Akron City Council on November 5th, 2019!
"Folks - we won the election! I am incredibly honored to have the opportunity to serve my…

NATO, EU, and America, Nov 21st
Join us for a discussion on the future of the transatlantic alliance and the old continent's political situation. The event will feature Dr. Hal Brands, the Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished…

Peace Corps Information Session, Nov. 14th, 2019
Date: Thursday, November 14th 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Place: Room 136 Jennings Hall
Speaker: Laura Joseph, Assistant Director, Center for African…

Small World Newsletter - November 2019
Download and read the November 2019 Issue File SWN NOV 19.pdf (opens in a new window)304.27 KB of Small World Newsletter!