

Summer 2020 Hungary Global May Program

Summer 2020 Hungary Global May Program, Oct 9th, Nov. 19th

First and second year students of all majors who are interested in studying abroad are encouraged to learn more about the Hungary Global May program.  Like the other Global May programs, this…

Academy of Conversation and Communication Icon

Academy on Conversation & Communication, Oct. 17th

Employers regularly report that college graduates need to improve their communication skills (speaking, writing, reading, etc.). In addition, according to research from the National Association of…

East Asian Language and Competencies Workshop

East Asian Language Skills & Competencies Workshop

R 10/3 | 5:00-6:30 pm | East Asian Language Skills and Competencies Workshop | Are you majoring/minoring in Chinese, Japanese or Korean? Do you want to learn how to explain the valuable…

International Studies Spring 2020 Courses

International Studies Spring 2020 Courses!

International Studies Spring 2020 Course descriptions are now available!  Click here to see the full listing  File SP20 WEB DESCRIP.pdf (opens in a new window)…


Russian Politics & Culture

SPRING 2020!  

Prof. Jennifer Suchland, W F  9:30AM – 10:55AM, Room 135, Caldwell Laboratory, Class #:  32139

What do war memorials, punk rock, and bad language have in…

Nushin Arbabzadah

On the Front Lines Theatre Project

“Shakespeare among the Suicide Bombers: The Turmoil of Theater in Modern Afghanistan” by Nushin Arbabzadah

Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 4:00pm

Thompson Library, Room 165


The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship

The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship

ScovilleFellowshipThe Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship invites recent college and graduate school alumni to apply for six to nine month fellowships in Washington, DC focusing on arms control…

Boren Scholarship and Fellowships

NSEP Boren Scholarship Office Hours

NSEP Boren Scholarship Office Hours
Boren Scholarships fund study abroad by U.S. undergraduate students in world regions critical to U.S. interests. Office hours for the NSEP Boren Scholarship…

May Study Abroad in London Activism in Multiethnic London

London (May) Study Abroad

With the city of London as its focus, this Education Abroad course (ENGLISH 4554: English Studies and Global Human Rights) will explore global migration in the context of the current crisis around…