
Lecture: Getting the Russian Challenge Right, Mar 24th
Getting the Russian Challenge Right
On Tuesday, March 24th from 12:30PM to 2:00PM in Enarson Classroom Building Room 100, the Center for Slavic and East European Studies will hold its annual…

Can the Rich & Powerful Make Society Better?
Can the Rich & Powerful Make Society Better?
A Central Asian Case to Consider
Professor Morgan Liu
Some rich and powerful people, like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, or Oprah…

Peace Corps, Upcoming Opportunities!
The Peace Corps has current opportunities for qualified applicants with background and skills in key sectors. Peace Corps volunteers serve for 2 full years after graduation in…

Gap Year Fair, March 24th, 2020
The Ohio State University GAP Year Opportunities Fair is focused on helping you find a 1 or 2-year opportunity in Ohio, nationally, or even internationally! The event is open to ALL…

National Security Simulation
The Ohio State National Security Simulation bridges the gap between classroom learning and the real world.
The simulation is an immersive, large-scale, whole-of-government, role assumption-…

Introduction to Inelligence, Summer May session 1
INTSTDS 3700 - Introduction to Intelligence
MAY – 4 week session one
Among the important consequences of the tragedies of 9/11 have been a renewed emphasis upon the importance…