- Cassandra Clark & Emily Pavkov: Hops Shortage and the Difficulties of Staying Organic
- Rebekah Kartal: On the Conditions of the Possibility for Transcending the Capitalist Nation State in Chiapas, Mexico: A Karatanian Analysis
- Yasmin Kavarizadeh, Aida Tahiraj, & Inaam Aissa: "The Ties that Bind" in the New World: Intergenerational Transmission of Culture in a Dual Identity Context and the "Diversity Immigrant Visa" Program
- Peter Marzalik: Intra-Communal Violence in Southwest Russia and the Government's Reaction to Extremism
- Darby O'Donnell: The Land Grab in Africa: an Expansion of the Colonial Mentality
- Benjamin Osheroff: Comparative Nationalism: Assessing the Role of Nationalist Ideology in Independence Movements within Multinational States
- Shelby Stults: Variances in the Brazilian Favela
- Carey Utz: Study of the Plight of the Smallholder Cocoa Farmer: A Case Study of Southern Regions in Ghana
- Guillermo Bervejillo [pdf]: The Impact of Group Lending Strategies i Micorfinance: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
- Marissa Black [pdf]: Atarving for Attention: Legitimizing Northern Ireland's Prison Hunger Strike of 1981 through the Print Media
- Meaghan Novi [pdf]: How Do You Define Wellness?
- Sara Santiago [pdf]: Investigating a Proposed Large-Scale Hydroelectric Dam: The Indigenous Response in Rural Honduras
- John Sterle [pdf]: Devine Descent into Mundaniety: Spirit Mediumship in Asia
- Alicia Anzivine [pdf]: The World Bank: A Bank or a Think Tank, or Both?
Isabelle Bateson-Brown [pdf]: Ohio State Witch Hunt: Rooting Out Occult Texts and Historical Witchcraft Materials in OSU's Rare Books and Manuscripts Library
Andrea Blinkhorn [pdf]: Effects of Poland's Entry into the European Union on People's Life
Michael Eizyk [pdf]: From the Pit of the Ghetto to the Pinnacle of Liberalism
Kathryn Hogan [pdf]: The Expansion of Ecotourism and its Implications for Tanzania's Maasai
Elaine Householder [pdf]: Symbolic Associations of Violence in Northern Ireland and South Africa
Liosliath Manner [pdf]: A Moroccon Generational Shift: The Impact of Mobile Phones on Women's Social Networks
Justin Schulze [pdf]: Bilingual Education and Human Rights in Two Urban Indigenous Communities
Shawn Stone [pdf]: Evaluation of Local Climate Variability in the Cordillera Blanca
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