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Subject Course # Title Credits Autumn Spring Summer
AEDECON 4320E Energy, the Environment, and the Economy 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 597.01H Problems and Policies in World Population, Food, and Environment: Honors 5.0      
INTSTDS 2000 Introduction to Africa 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 2050 Introduction to China and Japan 3      
INTSTDS 2050 Introduction to China and Japan 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 2100 Introduction to Latin America 3      
INTSTDS 2100 Introduction to Latin America 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 2100H Introduction to Latin America 3.0      
INTSTDS 2194 Group Studies 1      
INTSTDS 2200 Introduction to the Modern Middle East 3      
INTSTDS 2200 Introduction to the Modern Middle East 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 2250 Russia: From Communism to Capitalism 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 2500 Introduction to Development Studies 3      
INTSTDS 2500 Introduction to Development Studies 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 2500H Introduction to Development Studies 3.0   Sp  
INTSTDS 2580 Feast or Famine: the Global Business of Food 3      
INTSTDS 2797.02 Study Abroad: Contemporary Uganda 3      
INTSTDS 2800 Introduction to Peace Studies 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 2800 Introduction to Peace Studies 3      
INTSTDS 2800H Introduction to Peace Studies 3.0      
INTSTDS 3350 Introduction to Western Europe 3      
INTSTDS 3350 Introduction to Western Europe 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 3400 The Analysis and Display of Data 3      
INTSTDS 3400 The Analysis and Display of Data 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 3450 Human Rights: An Introduction 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 3450 Human Rights: An Introduction 3      
INTSTDS 3661 The City and Culture 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 3700 Introduction to Intelligence 3      
INTSTDS 3700 Introduction to Intelligence 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 3700H Introduction to Intelligence 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 3701 Introduction to Homeland Security 3      
INTSTDS 3701 Introduction to Homeland Security 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 3702 Herding Cyber Cats: Information Security Management 3      
INTSTDS 3702 Herding Cyber Cats: Information Security Management 3.0      
INTSTDS 3850 Introduction to Globalization 3      
INTSTDS 3850 Introduction to Globalization 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 4195 Selected Problems in International Studies 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 4195 Selected Problems in International Studies 3      
INTSTDS 4195H Selected Problems in International Studies 3.0      
INTSTDS 4242 Incomplete Democracies: the (Un)Rule of Law in Latin America 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 4242 Incomplete Democracies: the (Un)Rule of Law in Latin America 3      
INTSTDS 4251 Organized Crime and Corruption in Contemporary Europe 3      
INTSTDS 4251 Organized Crime and Corruption in Contemporary Europe 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 4320 Energy, the Environment, and the Economy 3      
INTSTDS 4515 Ethnicity, Development, and the State in Sub-Saharan Africa 3      
INTSTDS 4532 Food Security and Globalization 3      
INTSTDS 4532 Food Security and Globalization 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 4535 International Economic Development 3      
INTSTDS 4535 International Economic Development 3.0      
INTSTDS 4536 Economic Development of Sub-Saharan Africa 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 4537 Middle Eastern Economic Development 3      
INTSTDS 4540 International Commerce and the World Economy 3      
INTSTDS 4550 Bioterrorism: An Overview 3      
INTSTDS 4560 Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Economy 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 4560 Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Economy 3      
INTSTDS 4560H Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Economy 3.0      
INTSTDS 4597.01 Food, Population, and the Environment 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 4597.01 Food, Population, and the Environment 3      
INTSTDS 4597.01H Food, Population, and the Environment 3.0   Sp  
INTSTDS 4700 Terror and Terrorism 3      
INTSTDS 4700 Terror and Terrorism 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 4700H Terror and Terrorism 3.0   Sp  
INTSTDS 4701 The Development and Control of Weapons of Mass Destruction 3      
INTSTDS 4701 The Development and Control of Weapons of Mass Destruction 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 4702 Case Studies in Information Security 3      
INTSTDS 4703 Science, Technology and the American National Security 3      
INTSTDS 4704 A Global War on Terror? America's Response to the 9/11 Attacks 3      
INTSTDS 4704 A Global War on Terror? America's Response to the 9/11 Attacks 3.0      
INTSTDS 4800 Cultural Diplomacy 3.0      
INTSTDS 4801 Model United Nations 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 4801 Model United Nations 3      
INTSTDS 4803 Intervening for Peace: Peacekeeping and Collective Security 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 4803 Intervening for Peace: Peacekeeping and Collective Security 3      
INTSTDS 4804 Applied Nonviolence I: Methods 3.0      
INTSTDS 4806 Intelligence for Diplomacy: Assessing Leadership Style 3      
INTSTDS 4850 Understanding the Global Information Society 3      
INTSTDS 4850 Understanding the Global Information Society 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 4998 Undergraduate Research in International Studies 1      
INTSTDS 4999 Thesis Research 1      
INTSTDS 4999H Thesis Research 1      
INTSTDS 5051 East Asia in the Post-Cold War Era: Issues in Regional Security & Economic Development 3.0 Au Sp  
INTSTDS 5191 Student Intern Program in International Studies 3      
INTSTDS 5193 Individual Studies 1      
INTSTDS 5195 Selected Problems in International Studies 3      
INTSTDS 5640 Globalization and Latin America: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches 3      
INTSTDS 5645 Contemporary Issues in the Middle East 3      
INTSTDS 5700 Rebuilding Failed and Weak States 3      
INTSTDS 5701 Intelligence and National Security in a Changing World 3      
INTSTDS 5701E Intelligence and National Security in a Changing World 3      
INTSTDS 5702 Research on Organized Violence 3.0 Au    
INTSTDS 5703 Thinking And Writing: A Practicum for Intelligence Analysis 3      
INTSTDS 5800 International Law 3.0 Au Sp  
PUBAFRS 7509 Disasters: Preparedness and Response 3.0 Au    
RELSTDS 4873 Contemporary Religious Movements in Global Context 3.0 Au